Teaching the kids at home is so convenient. They don’t have to wake up early, rush breakfast and hop on the school bus just to make ti to school on time. I don’t have to keep their uniforms pearly white and neatly pressed. I don’t like ironing that’s why!
But sometimes they get too comfortable with learning at home that being in their house clothes or even in their pajamas sets the “lazy or slow” mood. So, when I started years ago, I made it a point to get Coby some decent shirts, not necessarily going out clothes, to wear as his “school uniform”. For him, there should be some sense of “formality” to set the tone for him that it’s a school day.
And because Jianne is now officially enrolled as a homeschooler, I thought of creating their own homeschool uniforms. I got the idea from a college batch mate, Irene, who I think is a Martha-Stewart in the making. She shared how to make your own stenciled T-shirt on her blog.
Caution: Wear a face mask especially when painting over the template.

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead,where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. Ecclesiastes 9:10
*This post was published three years ago and the kids are now in third and seventh grade. We haven’t made new sets of uniforms for the past years. However, our eldest child will be wearing a different uniform this coming June as he is off to high school 🙂
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