Have a you considered starting a new habit this 2014? For years now, I have developed this early morning habit of talking with God and reading the Bible. Some people call it Quiet Time or Daily Devotions or simply Praying.
What is Quiet Time? It’s a specific time of the day (early morning preferably) where you sit down, read your Bible and meditate on God’s Word. It’s also a time to reflect on what happened the previous days. It’s like having coffee with a friend, updating each other on life events and sharing insights. But here, you have God all to yourself.
Yes, you don’t need an interpreter or somebody to connect you with God. He is available to everyone who calls on Him. 13 If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.” Jeremiah 29:13 Isn’t that neat?
Last year, I have developed a better quality quiet time with God. Because I started writing again, having a journal helped me a lot in taking notes on how I have come to know God more in the last year. Let me encourage you to spend at least 15 to 30 minutes of your day with God. You won’t regret this investment of time.
16 All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 2 Timothy 3:16
So, how do we start having One on One with God. Let me share with you some tips. But you need some tools:
- Bible (NIV, NASB, NLT, NKJV)) or Bible app on your tablet or smartphones
- Notebook/Journal/Notepad
- Pen
- Highlighter
- References (Bible Dictionary, Concordance, Handbook) but these are optional
- Music (Gospel, Christian, Classical, Instrumental) also optional.

Quiet time begins the night before. When you go out to meet someone for lunch or dinner, you prepare the night before right? You make sure you are there on time and prepared. Same practice with meeting with God. He wants to set an appointment with you. Yes, you.
Though you don’t have to dress a certain way or put on make up. Come as you are…. but wash your face first, to wake you up haha! The best time of the day to commune with God is when you are at your best. Is it early morning when the kids are still sleeping? How about at night when all work is done and all the lights are turned off? Choose the best time that will work for you. You will never find the time to do it, you have to make time…seriously!
- Mentally prepare to meet with God. Remove any distractions. Turn off your cellphone. No internet access first unless you’re using the bible app. Just focus on God alone. You can play music too to set your mind.
- A devotional can help you as you start this new habit. There are suggested verses daily and you can start with those. Find that verse in your Bible and read it. Repeat it in your head. Read it aloud if you want. If you’re better at it, you can memorize one verse daily.
- Then write down the verse in your journal or notebook. You can also highlight it on your bible for future reference.
- Meditate on the verse. What does it mean to me? Is there a command to follow? Is there a promise you can hang on to? Is there an attitude that needs to be corrected? Is there a sin that you need to let go? Reflect and write what you have learned. * Just a side note, having a journal does not only help you remember the verse but also recall your journey and growth in Christ. It’s a great way to look back at God’s faithfulness in your life.
- Talk to God openly. Since you can’t hide anything from Him just say what you want. You don’t have to speak as if you were living in the biblical times. You don’t need to use big words to impress Him. Remember he is not impressed by what we do or what we say, He is looking after the sincerity of our hearts. Talk as if talking to a friend, that works for me. Pour your heart out. Oh, and by the way, it helps if you pour a cup of coffee while you’re at it 🙂 Coffee with My God.
- Do not rush. Take your time. When you have that connection with Him, you will know if He speaks to you because His spirit speaks to your spirit. Time is not the essence when you’re speaking with God.
- Start your day. Continue to meditate on the verse.
- Repeat same steps the next day.
I’m mostly irritable, short-tempered and just plain nasty when I don’t get my spiritual food every morning. Quiet time is better than any multivitamin. I get a boost of patience, grace, and energy throughout the day.
Remember, for this to become a habit, it needs to be done consistently. The key is commitment. If you have any questions about starting a regular quiet time, feel free to ask in the comments section and I’ll do my best to respond to you. May you know God intimately this 2014!