It’s been a year and a half since we moved in to this apartment. Even though the rent is higher than our first apartment, this current one is much better. I don’t know how many times we have reorganized our home and our homeschool area but I feel that our “makeover” this year will not only conducive to learning but also pleasing to the eyes, well, to my eyes most especially. I love the new location because the area is brighter and the kids now use it not only for school but for drawing and playing as well. They no longer put all their stuff on the dining table!
All their books are placed on a bookshelf which is beside their work table. All the pens, pencils, crayons, markers, markers and yes, more markers are neatly (I don’t know for how long :-)) arranged in their own containers. I have my own caddy where I have my craft scissors, staplers, red pens, pen and paper clips are grouped together. I told my kids that this caddy is my personal property and they are not allowed to use any item without my permission…but who am I kidding?
Art stuff like paints, oil pastels, drawing books and papers, and brushes are kept in a basket under the work table. We still kept their 4 layer drawer which is for the drawing papers, scratch papers and other art materials. Coby and Jianne both have their own drawer for all their quizzes, projects, and art work. So that when portfolio time comes, I just need to pull the drawers and I got what I need…well, most of it.
It’s a very small apartment but my husband and I were able to arrange the place in such a way that there is designated area for each section of the house. The kitchen and dinning is more spacious now. We have moved our homeschool area towards the front door and away from the dining area. Our antique living room set (which is made of Narra wood) has been polished and needs some throw pillow to it to add more life to it.
Oh, and we also organized their bedroom. We put the old computer table in their room where we put Coby’s laptop and their reading books. We removed most of the toys they were no longer playing with and put in our garage sale.
We are praying that soon we will be organizing and designing our very own home. If that day comes, we won’t only have a homeschool area but an entire room for studying! Complete with a mini-library, a reading area where books are neatly stacked in display shelf and a soft couch where we can sit all day and read. Sigh…
Unless the Lord builds the house,
the builders labor in vain.
Unless the Lord watches over the city,
the guards stand watch in vain. Psalm 127:1
Anyway, as we start our school year next week, I am praying that the organized and systematize home would energize all of us to begin our exciting and sometimes tumultuous home life.