The first time I ever held a spatula, and a mixing bowl was in high school. My mother had a recipe for Chocolate Crinkle that she wanted me to try. It already premixed the recipe in the box that she bought from the supermarket. I forgot the brand but my first try at baking was a success.
My mom is the baker in the house. Her goodies have helped support my brother and me to finish our degrees in architecture and dentistry, respectively. I couldn’t count how many bags of flour, crates of eggs, and kilos of sugar she had painstakingly mixed just to help augment the family income.
I would be in charge of greasing and dusting her pans with flour. As soon as the pastries cooled, I would slice the brownies, coat the cheese mammon and wrap all of them in a plastic sheet. Coming home from school, trays of my mom’s goodies were waiting to be wrapped. I could wrap and stack all her products, roughly 100 to 120 pieces, in less than an hour, and be ready for delivery the next day.
I have been getting flour on my hands again in the past months. I have been trying some of my mother’s recipes and some I’ve searched online. But I have fancied some local premixed pastry packs from the grocery stores, too. If I had the prompting to bake something, I would rush to the supermarket and grab my favorite local brand from the shelves.
Doing my weekly grocery shopping, I chanced upon Maya’s Whole Wheat Carrot Cake mixture in a box. I wondered, could a 50-peso premixed carrot cake be any good? I took the bite.
To make Maya’s Whole Wheat Carrot Cake you will need:
- 1 pack of Maya Whole Wheat Carrot Cake Mix 400 grams
- 1/3 cup vegetable oil
- 1/2 cup water
- 2 eggs
- 1 3/4 cup grated carrots approximately 175 grams
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease an 8-inch square pan. Mix all the ingredients together and pour them into the greased pan. Bake for 25 to 30 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted. It also included a cream cheese frosting recipe in the box.

The verdict:
We loved it! The recipe yielded a decent, soft and airy carrot cake! An easy-peasy recipe that didn’t can put a smile our faces. Not enough time to make the frosting we immediately consumed it.