The busyness of motherhood makes us overlook things with lasting value. We are so preoccupied with the today that we neglect to make tomorrow count. Have you thought about how your life affects your children? How do we want to be remembered? The significance of leaving a legacy lies in how our lives influence others, especially our families. Legacies aren’t just for famous individuals but for everyday mothers like us. This post explores why leaving a legacy is important and how to start doing it today.
What is Legacy?
A legacy is something we leave behind. It may be tangible, like jewelry or a piece of property, or intangible, like values, traditions, and memories. But more than the inheritance, how we live our lives, including the good and the ugly is the legacy we leave behind.
How do people respond when they hear our name? Do they smile or act irritated? Will our children honor you when we’re gone? Or will they curse us because of the responsibilities we left behind?
Why is Leaving a Legacy Important?
Who we are today is because of the influence of our parents, grandparents, teachers, and others. Every person and experience contributed to the development of our character. The people in our lives pass on a legacy to us, which we pass on to the next generation.
Our imperfect lives do not hinder us from leaving a legacy for our children. The mistakes we make remind our children what not to follow. At the same time, the small victories encourage them to persevere. They see how we have kept the faith, improved our lives, and worked at becoming a better mom to them. And because there is more to this life, the Lord convicts us to live with intention because our children are watching.
Biblical Insights on Leaving a Legacy
The Bible shows us that leaving a lasting is part of God’s design for parents to live with a purpose.
- Psalm 78:4: “We will not hide them from their descendants; we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, his power, and the wonders he has done.”
- Proverbs 13:22: “A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.”
- Deuteronomy 6:6-7: “These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.”
- Proverbs 22:1: “A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold.”

How to Leave a Meaningful Legacy?
- Identify Your Core Values and Purpose: This is the driving force of all your pursuits. What values are important to you? What are your non-negotiables? Perhaps you value perseverance so you do things with determination and quitting is not an option. If expressing creativity is a priority, thinking outside the box energizes you. The goals you pursue and the choices you make are rooted in your core values and beliefs. It makes you more intentional about things that matter. And these are the same values your children see in you and leave behind. What values do you want to pass on?
- Build Meaningful Relationships: It is impossible to live an isolated life. We need other people no matter how toxic some relationships can be. Our relationship with them teaches us patience, forgiveness, and grace. If you don’t have anyone, to whom will pass on your legacy? Invest time to nurture personal and professional relationships. If you are a middle-aged woman like me, it’s time to pass on the baton and look for younger women to mentor other than your daughter. We become their guides as they go through what we went through. How are you nurturing relationships with the intention of leaving a legacy?
- Serve in a Community: Committing to a community is thinking less of ourselves, than serving others. Find a community where your expertise, time, resources, and knowledge could be valuable. Volunteerism is not about what the community can do for you but you can contribute to the community. Your actions create a positive ripple effect. What help can you offer your community?
- Support a Cause: There are many advocacies headed by individuals and NGOs who want to help the voiceless members of our society. As much as they need financial assistance, spreading awareness about their causes can reach more people. Be an ambassador and promote their events on your social media pages. Be the middle person who connects the advocacies to multinational companies and corporations for sponsorship. There is much work to do but a little help goes a long way. It’s a simple way of leaving a legacy to the beneficiaries. In the Philippines, we have advocacies for education, women’s issues, mental health, the environment, and animal welfare like Pawssion Project and Lara’s Ark. Choose one close to your heart and show support.
- Pursue Lifelong Learning: We learn something valuable every day. It doesn’t matter if you’re 5 or 75 years old. Be open to new ideas and concepts to help you grow and become a better version of yourself. People will notice when you start improving yourself and become a channel of knowledge and blessing. You are never too old to start something new. When you grow and move out of your comfort zone, you become a good example to the younger women. Now, that’s a lasting legacy.
- Share your story: I don’t mind sharing the foolishness of my youth, especially to my daughter. Hopefully, she learns from the error of my ways and trusts God in every circumstance. I also share my story on my blog, social media pages, and podcast because I know my story is God’s story and He will use it to uplift one person. God can turn our mess into His message.
- Financial Planning: Talking about passing on makes some uncomfortable. We neglect planning for the tomorrow of the families we leave behind. There is a 100 percent probability we will leave this earth and be together with our Creator. How do we ensure that our families have enough when we are gone? Create a will, check your insurance gap, and plan for your assets. Make sure your financials are in order. While the previous points are important in leaving a legacy, creating financial stability is crucial and practical.
Leaving a legacy is more than what we leave behind; it’s about how we live our lives today. Living authentic yet imperfect lives is what our children see. And by God’s grace, the lives we live influence them for good.