I thought that teaching art is for the”artists” only. But this June as was searching for an art curriculum for the kids I chanced upon “Masterpiece Art Instruction: The Phonics of Drawing” at teachartathome . One can purchase the art instruction CD or the Ebook. I opted to purchase the Ebook since I needed to have a curriculum right away for our homeschool.
Karine Bauch designed the curriculum for individuals who want to learn how to draw, for homeschoolers and for in the entire family! Karine planned it in such away that it can be taught in a multi-level homeschooling family. The course is divided into three levels, Levels 1-3 depending on the age of the child. Jianne who is 6 years old is doing level 1 lessons while Coby is on Level 3.
Before jumping to the actual lesson, the kids will some drawing exercises which would prepare them for the actual lesson. They will be doing exactly the same lesson but on different levels of difficulty. What’s so amazing about it is that I learn how to draw with them. She encourages that the parent-teachers do the project themselves first so that the kids could follow and have an idea on how to do it.

The Ebook has 30 lessons which can be spread out the entire year. The first few lessons starts with charcoal drawing which my kids really enjoy. It also includes handouts which could be printed for each child. The pictures are quite clear too. But because I don’t want to have printouts anymore, I just let the kids view it on my laptop.
Purchasing the Ebook answered my art curriculum for the entire year and for two kids at that! I am so happy with this curriculum. Just after their second lesson, Coby was so inspired that he was excited to look for models to draw! I am also inspired to learn with them too. Now, I am not scared to teach art to my kids anymore. I just need a great curriculum like Phonics of Drawing to help a mom like me.