I love books. I love books that inspire, push me out of my comfort zone and help me in walk with God. OMF Literature Publications has been doing that for the last 57 years. Ever since I was introduced to the books written by Christian authors, I have become a loyal supporter of OMF.
My family and I never fail to check out OMF’s discounted books at the annual Manila International Book Fair. Not only do I enjoy browsing their inspirational books for adults and children but I also look forward to reconnecting with some of their staff and down-to-earth writers who eagerly sign books and pose for pictures.

If schedule allows, I make it a point to be part of their activities because I feel I am part of their growing family. Two weeks ago I received an invitation to join them as they launch 30 new titles, which was held on, September 25 at the SMX Convention Center. Of course, I was thrilled to go.
While waiting for other guests to arrive, I met Gladys, an OMF staff and a new mom. We were talking about motherhood over cocktails when an elderly gentleman joined us. Gladys introduced me to Dr. Isabelo Magalit, whom she fondly called “Manong Bel” and I excitedly shook this man’s hand. I know that name because I’ve browsed through a few of Dr. Magalit’s books on Bible Studies and I was delighted to have shared a table with this witty man of God who entertained Gladys and myself with his humorous one-liners.

The program started promptly at 5 pm with a presentation of the new titles per category. The lively host not only engaged the writers during the Q & A but the audience as well. Seeing how humble these notable writers were made them more relatable, more human to me. They were not as ” formal” as I thought they were. The recent typhoon and the gloomy weather did not dampen the jovial mood of the night.
As the authors were describing their books, I have already pictured a someone who would benefit from OMF’s new releases. As a book lover myself, I enjoy receiving books for Christmas. How about you? You might want to consider giving your friends, family, co-worker books for Christmas too. I believe quality books have a way of inspiring and empowering its target readers in the different seasons of their lives.
You may know of someone who is venturing out on their own in the real world or maybe you have a friend who recently tied the knot or someone dear to you may be going through a difficult time in their relationship, then OMF may have a specific book for that special person.
Visit your nearest OMF bookshop branch now or check out their OMF Lit online for the new titles. You can like their Facebook page, OMF Literature to get updated on the latest happenings. Check out their latest offerings and make sure you get a copy for yourself too.
Career and the Workplace:
“Now that You”re Boss” by Yay Olmedo
“Your Career Roadmap” by Nelson Dy
“Grace at Work” by Grace Chong
For women’s issues, beauty and relationships:
“Ikaw na ang Maganda” by Malu Tiongson-Ortiz
“How to Keep your Hubby Happy” by Marlene Legaspi-Munar
“What Women Can do When Life Falls Apart” by Luisa Reyes-Ampil

Growing in your Faith:
“Why Does God Allow Disasters” by Pastor William Girao
“Who is Jesus According to the New Testament: An Open letter to the Iglesia ni Cristo” by Dr. Isabelo Magalit
“Boring ba ang Bible Mo?” by Rei Lemuel Crizaldo
For the young people:
“May Powers Ka to be #SuperEpic” by Mighty Rasing
“Pinoy Big Values” By Rei Lemuel Crizaldo and Ronald Molmisa
“Lovestruck: Sakit Edition” by Ronald Molmisa
Young readers:
From the Wow God Series:
“One Mighty, Awesome, Incredible Rescue” retold by Yna Reyes
“Flaming Furnace, Fiery Faith” retold by Beng Alba-Jones
“Who’s Afraid of Giant Goliath” retold by Jojie Wong.
“Bee Green” by Joyce Piap-Go
“Signal Number 3” by Dr. Luis Gatmaitan
“Teka, ang Labo ng Mata ko” by Dr. Luis Gatmaitan
On a personal note…When I received the invitation to the book launch, I was a bit disappointed because the event falls on a Thursday, which is a busy day for me. I wanted to go but I don’t know how I can manage my schedule. So I asked God if He wills for me to be there, He will make a way… and He did!

It was indeed a blessing that I was able to attend that night. As I listened intently to how Mr. Aleks Tan, CEO of OMF Literature described the passion of the Christian writer, I was almost moved to tears. Their passion, he says, is to lead others to Christ and to glorify God in their words. If this passion is not expressed or experienced, then it will burn like a fire in their hearts. This reminded me of my reason for writing. I write not because I want to be popular or gain lots of followers. I write because I too have that desire in my heart to make Christ known one reader at a time.
But if I say, “I will not remember Him Or speak anymore in His name,”
Then in my heart it becomes like a burning fire, Shut up in my bones;
And I am weary of holding it in, And I cannot endure it. Jeremiah 20:9
He adds that Christian writers allow themselves to be vulnerable, to be scrutinized by the world because of their beliefs and what they stand for. Most of the time these beliefs stand opposed to the world’s standards. But when Jesus came, He was also criticized, judged and rejected by the world. But that was not a deterrent to him. He continued and lived out His mission in this world. I believe that’s the same mission Christian writers have, to lead the reader to Christ, to know Him more and as God works in the life of that reader, God is glorified.
After the event, I was able to chat with a writer friend, Beng, who encouraged me to write my book. If she suggested this to me years ago, I would have laughed at the thought of me writing and publishing my book.

But seriously, I’ve always wanted to write fiction ever since I was a little girl but that dream never materialized because I took a different path in life. Now that I am relying on God’s direction, who knows where that dream can take me…Again, if God wills it, He will make a way.