Two more days before we welcome 2014 and I’m looking forward to improving or making the most of what I had this year. Strategic planning and brainstorming with Peewee will occupy most of our early days of January. But before I get caught up with the excitement of what’s ahead, let me retrace my steps this year and share with you what I learned so far.
The first two quarters were filled with questions and doubt. Are we doing the right thing? Should we do this or that? Why is this happening to me? We struggled within ourselves and with God. But the Lord has His way of leading me and my family to the path He wants us to take. He turned what seemed to be a difficulty into a blessing and an opportunity.
Let’s see, what has 2013 taught me?
1. I learned that I need to grow my relationship with God. I can’t be sitting comfortably Sunday after Sunday at church and get all the spiritual feeding I need. I have to pass it on to others. As Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20 “Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them what I have commanded you and lo, I will be with you even to the end of the age.”
It’s not a suggestion but a command by Christ to do as He did. My husband and I enrolled at the Global Leadership Center (GLC) in our church to follow this command. In May, we graduated from the GLC Level 2 course. Our eyes were opened to God’s design for families and how each of us has a specific role to play as directed by God. We were also grounded in the Word and it’s teachings.

In August, we enrolled again for Level 3 course and hoping to graduate by April 2014.
2. I learned to value my marriage. Peewee and I both have our individual journeys with God but then we are also one as a married couple. This timid man of the house became assertive and dependable. He has learned to trust the Lord and continues to follow Him the best way he knows how.
He has also continued to support me in whatever I do. Whether it be repainting the clinic, financially supporting my passion for writing or marketing our products, he lovingly did it because as he says, “This is for our family.” Since we are partners for life, we dream together. We imagine how our own house would be like someday and what breed of dog we will take in as a pet haha! Of course, we pray together and for each other.
3. I learned to embrace our kids’ uniqueness. Coby and Jianne have seen the best and worst in me. But in spite of their imperfect mom, they have given me unconditional love. They remind me to keep calm and stay in shape haha! They accept my apologies and have developed forgiving hearts. I learned how to be better mom because of my babies.
4. I learned to be accountable. Being part of a Discipleship group (D-group) has taught me commitment, love for a brother or sister in Christ, and pray for each member of our group. The effort that our d-group leaders have made to make sure we are all fed spiritually, emotionally and physically (because we eat all the time) is proof that they are also following the great commission set by Christ. Their genuine love for the group is overwhelming.

I too have started this March to disciple other women. By the start of the new year, I am praying that Peewee and I would start a couples group together.

5. I learned to value the love of my family. I have proven that no matter what happens, family will always be there for you. Disagreements and disappointment are all part of building our relationship. My Papa and Mommy have given moral support and financial support as well when needed. My mother-in-law has also shown support for homeschooling the kids. She has also shown her love by continuously praying for our family.
6. I learned that’s it’s not too late to pursue my passion. I have shared many times how I loved writing as a young girl but I had to take a different route in college. The passion still burns inside even if I tried to douse the flame with my profession and motherhood. I am blessed to have been a part of a retreat that opened my eyes to what my purpose or mission in life should be. And that is to share Christ to others through my writing.
With this, I have taken a bold step to start my own blog. I’m not there yet but I know in time I will be the kind of blogger I want to be. Still a lot to learn though.

I’ve taken steps by attending blogging workshops by Martine de Luna, a.k.a. Dainty Mom. I’ve subscribed to successful bloggers like Michael Hyatt and Jeff Goins. I continue to follow Joy T. Mendoza of Teach with Joy, Joyful Mothering and Karen De Beus of Simply Living for Him .
My blog is still a work in progress so please be patient with me 🙂
7. I have learned to be open for new opportunities. This is somehow related to #6. This year, my husband and I have experimented on one recipe that we could add to our home business for Christmas. I never expected to have such a tremendous amount of orders for this green mango jam. Not only that but the usual Roasted Pepper, Cheesy Garlic and Tinapa (Smoked Fish) Spread we make have also increased orders.
We are planning to do more and probably make it a full-time business too in 2014.
8. I also learned that I have every opportunity to do good and be good. I don’t want to settle for mediocrity but only doing the best for the name I represent, which is Christ.
Yes, I am a Christian wife/mother/blogger/homemaker/businesswoman-to-be. I will no longer be conformed to what the world says I should be but only what God wants me to be. But then again, I’m still not free from error. I am sinful by nature but the love of Christ gives me conviction, direction and grace to surpass it all. His grace is sufficient as He says.
What has 2013 taught you? And what are you looking forward to the next year?