Journal writing marked my teenage years. Poems, lyrics, imagined dialogues, and questions filled my journal. It became a best friend who kept my secrets.
I rediscovered journaling as an adult, and it became a healing experience. Journaling became introspective and purposeful rather than an evidence of unrequited love of a teenager. Journaling a safe place for my soul to breathe. If you haven’t found the practice of journal writing, consider this therapy for yourself.
1. It is therapeutic.
In Proverbs 29:11, it says, “Fools give full vent to their rage, but the wise bring calm in the end.”
We’ve seen the effects of ranting on social media, and it is not a pretty sight. Journal writing is a private and non-judgmental way of expressing high emotions. If you can’t talk to your rant person, scream your heart out in your journal. No one is going to police you or make snarky comments. It’s just you and your raw emotions.
As you end each sentence with exclamation points, take a breath. Process what you are feeling. Ask yourself these questions. Where is this feeling coming from? What triggered this emotion? Write your responses and take note. This practice helps you notice your triggers. As a result, you will know how to respond. The issue may still be there, but you have changed the way you see the situation. Processing also helps you change the way you see yourself and the way you see things.
Psychologists recommend journaling to people suffering from depression. Check out this article to know more about its positive effects.
If you need more than journal writing to process your deep-rooted emotions, a recovery program may help you find out your triggers and find healing for your heart.
2. It takes note of your dreams and goals.
Did you know that a diary is different from a journal? A diary is an organizer that schedules tasks, events, and meetings. A journal thoughts, emotions, dreams, and goals.
Journal writing allows you to dream and take steps in fulfilling it. Two years ago, I was able to complete a 5-Day Devotional for Women. It is a short e-book that I give away to my blog subscribers. When I browsed through my old journals, I saw I wrote, To write and publish a book.’ In 2021, that dream became a reality.
I shared a dream in my journal of having our own home. Through God’s amazing plan, we are now living in our home sweet home. It’s not my dream home, but it’s the right home for me and my family. Isn’t journal writing amazing? You can look back and marvel at the faithfulness of God.
Write down your plans, dreams, and aspirations. Watch them all come true one by one. Take each dream one day at a time.

3. It allows you to be mindful.
We live in a noisy world full of different beliefs and opposing opinions. The blaring sound is confusing.
If we don’t filter information, we will accept whatever new idea comes our way. The values and beliefs we hold on to shift because we don’t want to be cancelled on social media. Other people’s perception of us is more important than standing firm in our belief. We fear how others perceive us because we want acceptance.
Journal writing is an escape to the barrage of information. Writing in solitude gives us time to breathe, gather our thoughts, and reconnect with our core and God. In my journaling practice, I note the wisdom from my favorite podcaster. Specific bible verses that hit me that day find a space in my journal. I chew on it and pass it forward.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. Romans 12:2 ESV
Write to inspire, not to impress.
jude g. agbayani
4. It allows you to grow as a writer.
I continued to write even though I didn’t know where journal writing would take me. I didn’t know the Lord had plans for me to grow the gift he has given me. In the early years, I was insecure (I am still am though) and compared myself with other writers.
I would have kept all my journals if I knew journal writing would help me become a writer. I have more life experience and a bit of confidence now that I am in a different phase in life. Now I can call myself a writer because of journal writing.
Do you love to write? Then, start developing the gift by journal writing. Don’t focus too much on grammar because there are tools and online courses for that. Just write from the heart. Also, avoid using hifalutin words to look smart. People can read pretentious writing. Write to inspire not to impress.
5. It is a testimony of God’s work in your life.
Journal writing keeps track of God’s faithfulness in your life. It proves how stubborn we are, too. My journal is a silent witness to my prayer life. I have logged all my requests from the grandest to the simplest.
Writing has helped me go through the challenging seasons of my life. When I could not pray to God, the journal entry becomes a prayer. Sometimes that’s all it takes. I am confident that even written prayers become a pleasing aroma to Him. (Revelation 5:8)
We are a forgetful people. When a crisis hits us, we panic and worry. It is good to look back at your journal with gratitude and see how God has reached out to you in the past. The circumstances may be different, but God does not change. He will respond in His own way.
I have kept most of my adult journals. When I go through the pages, I cringe in horror. What was I thinking? But most of the time, I smile and say, “Yeah, God did that.“
Journal writing does good for the mind, soul, and spirit. It helps you process your emotions, allows you to plan and be quiet, develops your gift of writing, and keeps track of your prayer life. See how profound journal writing could be?